Commisar Murnau, commander of the Saloth Commandos. An immigrant from El Salvador who grew up in Los Angeles. Fond memories of shopping cart pushing elote salesmen. His first job was as a fry cook at a Tommy's Burger. Radicalized (and traumatized) by gore websites like Ogrish.
Bruja del Sur, high priestess of Lavrentiy Nexion. Mexican-American trans-woman who very quickly develops an encyclopedic knowledge of the Communist Party of Peru. Patroness of Tlazolteotl. Used to follow self harm blogs on tumblr. She has a girlfriend and was raised by a single mother in Seattle. They all have an apartment together.
Meinhof Pandemonium, old guard of the Krasnaya Latsis Terror Cell. White American who grew up in East Texas. His favorite games are Tony Hawk's Underground and the first Nightmare Creatures. Definitively a PlayStation child. Terrible boyfriend with a disposition towards online relationships. Works at his father's car shop as a porter.
Laccio Bombacci, chaos magician from the Gruppo di Draghi Rossi.
Erik Vildsvin, warlord of the Southern Vanguards. Nintendo child.